The colors visible on the website are a graphic element and serve only as illustrative. Colors may vary depending on the individual settings of the monitor or graphics card. The perception of color is influenced by many factors, e.g. room lighting, the type of surface or the finish with the use of a specific effect.

We try to ensure that the colors presented on the screen as accurately as possible reflect the colors of our paints, but we are not able to guarantee their perfect reproduction.

This website is to inspire and help users in creating their own arrangements and selecting colors for decorative effects. Before buying a given product, we recommend that you check the color on the original color card, which is in the possession of CAMELEO DECO COATINGS distributors or at the company’s headquarters ul. Sikorskiego 139, 63-100 Psarskie. It is also possible to prepare and ship a color chart ( according to marketing price list ) in Poland or abroad.