
Cameleo Lesniewicz Gradkowska sp. j. having its headquarters located at 63-100 Psarskie Poland ul. Sikorskiego 139, guarantees that Cameleo products are of commercial quality in accordance with Cameleo’s declared standards. Cameleo products are covered by the warranty, provided they are used in accordance with the instructions contained in the Product Data Sheets.

Liability under this warranty (if the product turns out to be defective) is limited to replacing the product or refunding the purchase price of the product.


This warranty is valid for 1 year from the date of sale by Cameleo Lesniewicz Gradkowska sp. j.


Obviously , any situations in which the conditions of the wall, substrate or supporting plaster have been changed or damaged are excluded from the warranty. Particular attention should be paid to the risk of damage caused by moisture inside the walls and the presence of structural elements that can oxidize or release other substances inside the substrate and cause its corrosion. The warranty also excludes the use of other products from other manufacturers. In particular such as; primers and protective agents for varnishes and waxes. Products are not covered by the warranty if they are not used in accordance with the information contained in the Product Data Sheets. The warranty also does not cover mechanical or chemical damage to the surface. The warranty does not cover other damage to the material resulting from improper handling of the surface, as well as the use of unsuitable cleaning agents, without prior checking for conflict with the wall surface.